What is an artist without their muse?

Why the Cardinal?

The majestic cardinal has long been associated with grandeur and transcendence. From its vibrant hues being tied to competitive sports teams, winter wonderlands, and gentlemanly characteristics, the red cardinal has been a symbol of joy and the divine. It is said that sightings of this mighty bird signify that a close loved one or God is periodically checking in on the individual, making them an even more powerful symbol of eternal vitality. In my own experience, when my beloved grandfather passed away, my grandmother would often regale me with stories of a cardinal perched outside her window, prompting me to keep the avian apparition close to me. That same year, life seemed to take a turn for the worst and yet I found solace in seeing the cardinal every day, reminding me of brighter days to come and hope for a better future. To me, the cardinal serves as a constant reminder that vitality is eternal and life will always find a way. In short, they are a silent overseer of our journey here.